Friday, 2 April 2010

Behold the poo mountain

Arrived at the plot just after the delivery of 15 tons of beautiful dark well-rotted hot n' steamy horse manure, all to be shared between 5 plot-holders. Spent 2 hours wheelbarrowing our share across to our plot - reckon we've got enough for the next year or two. Finished just as the heavens opened. It's only late afternoon, but today's been the best & most productive Good Friday EVER.


  1. What a wonderful investment! I got a whole semi-load of composted gin trash once. The compost was free. Hauling was kind of dear, but it has lasted for years.

  2. Only a true gardener can get excited about a huge pile of poo. Brilliant!

  3. Yes, I second Happy M's comment - I like this drawing too

  4. Awwww - thank you! This is supposed to be entirely about gardening, but I'm aware I'm using it as an excuse to indulge myself in doing some drawing!

  5. We had to go and collect our manure ourselves, that's the royal we, I sent my hubby. I don't know how many trips it took him shovelling it into bags and transporting it in the boot of the car, still, it was worth it.
